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Brexit - Spurious Debate, Specious Result

I am already so sick of hearing, reading and having to speak about Brexit that I honestly could not care less about the outcome of this referendum.

The same question on the lips of everyone you meet: “Are you in or out?”

The problem with the premise of the question is that it somehow assumes a form of moral dichotomy; some grand choice between good and evil.

In fact whether you are in, out or shake it all about, the truth is, quite contrary to the mainstream media’s presentation of the issue, there is no moral colour to your persuasion. You have all been conned. Each and every one of you.

There is an intellectual dishonesty which permeates every pore of the “great debate”; one which is largely a result of our modern “rights based” culture.

“We have a right to be here. We work hard and pay our taxes. Just look at my P45.” says the Polish accountant to a BBC reporter, with a hawkish glint in her eye, as if the plight of the African child without water to drink owes more to his lack of hard work and good old fashioned Slavic pluck, than his tragic bad fortune.

“We have a right to control our borders.” says the barely literate, pug faced and now endangered white British man, without a second’s thought about how ludicrous a concept the idea of borders and national self-determination must seem emanating from a country which once invaded and ruled the whole world.

Well I have an important news bulletin for you all. From the defiantly self-centred Eastern European defending her right to earn 8 times her own nation’s wage in this country, to the modern remnants of the English Upper Classes, fleeing messy, multicultural city life for the less coloured reaches of the countryside, not one of you has a RIGHT to anything.

Is there not a sickening symmetry in the basic absence of moral value where a Lithuanian defends his right to earn more money, whilst an Englishman defends his right not to have his wage driven downwards?

Is there not a total democratic deficit in a situation in which 50% of a country’s people want one thing, which is the opposite to what the other 50% want, but one half of that whole will be disappointed?

Is there not an intellectual hypocrisy in the people of the Eastern Bloc, using the machinations of modern day democracy to insist upon their right to something which many of those living in a democracy object to?

And finally is there not a certain madness in the notion that both sides could be right, but that conversely it can not be possible that both sides are wrong?

We all need to do some growing up.

There is no moral right for a Slav clutching her Louis Vuitton handbag to be commuting to work by a busy London tube every morning. After all, if she has this right as a matter of basic morality, why did this moral right not also apply to her grandfather?

Equally there is no moral right for the fat, bloated British Black Cab driver to sit on his ass all day and not worry about competition from all of those nasty dark skinned fellows working through (not for) Uber. How did he earn that right? And if he can earn it, why can others not do the same?

So for anyone interested in which “side” I fall into, the answer is I do not. This is not a “right vs wrong” situation. This is a “bunch of European people fighting over the right to make more money” situation.

And if you do still want an answer from me, the only answer I can give you is “I don’t give a fuck”.

“But come on man. This is our lives we are talking about.” both sides say.

Yes. And Syria is people’s lives. Africa is people’s lives. How much do you care for their quality of life?

Whether you are in or out, do me a favour. Don’t bother to tell me.

The UK is just a small island on this planet we know as earth. Not everyone cares as much about it as you do.

Brexit and moral dichotomy.

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