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Why We Should Not Trust Equality


The first remarkable fact about "equality" in the sense in which we use the word in the West, is that it is something which by definition is only ever strived for or achieved by the West. You would expect even the most perfect social and political institutions to have at least once or twice generated some form of anomaly, some type of mistake.

But despite the fact that the US was built on land that was stolen from the Native Indians, using the labour of slaves trafficked from Africa, by some process of magic, during the Cold War, it was the US and its own political mechanisms which still offered equality in greater measure than the USSR.

It seems that equality is what we do, whatever the "doing" involves.


The second remarkable fact about equality is that although its dimensions and character have been very dynamic - in a constant state of flux - the word mysteriously always applies to what we do.

Feminists once said that gender is a social construct, when they were trying to deconstruct male patriarchy. Today quite contrarily feminists say that transgender men should have the right to be legally recognised as female.

But if gender really is a social construct, how can a man look down between his legs and despite at least some small sign pointing otherwise, KNOW that he is really a woman in a man's body??

The blanket passive aggressive accusation of "Transphobia" or appeal to "equality" do not do away with the fact this is a logical question which has never been answered.


The third remarkable fact about the notion of equality is that despite the first and second facts, almost everyone professes to believe in it.

When equality does not make sense.

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