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I Am Back From The Dead

I have been on a long, dark strange trip. And that is coming from me...

Yet I am back. Completely and totally back with a few vital differences.

The time will come one day when I will venture to write about the journey I have been on over the past 24 months.

I am already fielding questions. So many questions.

Within just a few weeks from now I will be able to stand head to head with any writer on this planet.

I took the long way back. The hard one. Not the easy one.

My drug this time was a daily routine of meditation and prayer. An unwavering belief that God is real. A connection with God. And a devotion to God's work.

As for those who doubt what I say (and doubt themselves), look to the moon and the sun for answers and all will be revealed. Time is an illusion. It is possible to step outside of time. And as anyone who knows me and sees me in the next few weeks will begin to realise, it is possible to reverse time also.

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