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The Patients/Serious

The Patients


At least sometimes,

People make noise,

And then no noise,

It takes patience,

With the patients,

And then it’s over,

All fucking over.

I gaze into the stars,


I remember the scars.


Seriously I don’t think I know,

How many people are dying,

In this fucking world we all call home.


I’d say sometimes,

People get sick,

And get called sick,

It takes patience,

With the patients,

Then it’s over,

Just fucking over.

I look into the sun,


I know you found it hard.


Seriously I don’t think I know,

How many people are dying,

I don’t think you know,

How many people are dying,

In this fucking world we all call home.


We all know your fucking marriage’s just an ego trip,

Tripping on my way home might make me fucking slip,

Slipping into old habits is a fucking bitch,

Bitch there’s no good giving me a second chance,

Chances are I’ve already had my last romance,

Romantic to think of this as my last stand,

Standing on the sidewalk with a broken hand,

Handing in my notice today was not what I had planned.

Because you’re all too serious,

It makes me look mysterious,

Because you’re all too serious,

I’ve always known this world was not for me.

Using, using, using always leads to losing,

Losing, losing, losing never feels like choosing,

Choosing, choosing, choosing only leads to bruising,

Bruising, bruising, bruising looks like child abusing,

Abusing the final gram before your final trip,

Tripping gives you courage before you tie the grip.

Because you’re all too serious,

It made me look mysterious,

Because you’re all too serious,

I’ve always known this world was knot for me.

*These poems are about an old friend of mine who died young.


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